Qui parliamo di tutto sui tatuaggi. Incluse notizie sui tatuaggi, macchinette per tatuaggi, aghi per tatuaggi, arte dei tatuaggi e altre informazioni sui tatuaggi.

What's the Best Size of Needle for Nanobrows?
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Tattoo Small Tips for Beginner
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16 settembre 2022 – dragonhawk tattoos
What Tattoo Machine Should I Buy?
What Tattoo Machine Should I Buy? For professional tattoo artists, it never be a question about how to choose a tattoo machine; but for new starter, they will be confused and have no idea about that.So many kind of machines on the market, such as coil machine, rotary machine and pen machine. Below we will put forward some of our small...
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16 settembre 2022 – dragonhawk tattoos
How to Choose Tattoo Needles as a Beginner?
Quick tips for choosing tattoo needles. First you may need to know how to read the size. Choosing the size of a needle is depend on what kind of tattoo you’re doing.
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16 settembre 2022 – Dragonhawkstore Hello
What Should Be Noticed Before Tattooing in Summar?
Have you noticed that the weather getting hotter and hotter? Another year again, it’s time to show off your tattoos. However, many people may have questions if it’s a good time to do a tattoo in hot weather? Is it safe or not? Will it gets inflamed due to the hot weather? What should I do to avoid...
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16 settembre 2022 – Dragonhawkstore Hello
What's WJX Macropin Cartridge Needles? | Complete Guide
Recently, Dragonhawk released a new tattoo needles -- WJX Macropin Cartridges Needles. Similar to the old traditional one, but there is still something different, it looks like a combination of traditional needles and cartridges needles. Today we will talk about the differences. What's the differences between traditional needles and WJX Macropin cartridges needles? Compared to the traditional one,...
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16 settembre 2022 – Dragonhawkstore Hello
Tattoo Needles Guide | Tattoo Needles Diameter & Tattoo Needles Taper
With so many shapes and sizes for tattoo needles, what should you know before buying tattoo needles? As a tattoo beginner, no matter you wanna be a tattoo artists or just DIY for fun, it’s important to know how to select a correct tattoo needles. Today we’d like to talk about tattoo needles diameter and tattoo needle taper...
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15 settembre 2022 – Dragonhawkstore Hello
Mast Tour Pen Machine
In the year of 2019, Dragonhawk tattoo supply released the first pen machine -- Mast Tour, which is flexible and smallest pen machine. Why? The traditional tattoo machine is too heavy, and not portable enough to carry to anywhere, that is the reason why we made the machine like this one. Mast tour, made for travelling, makes it more easier...
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15 settembre 2022 – Dragonhawkstore Hello
Why Rotary Tattoo Machines Become Hot Today
Nowadays, rotary tattoo machines have become more and more popular and hot-selling, here we'd like to discuss the advantages of Rotary Tattoo Machine. a. the rotary tattoo machine is quiet, which creates the psychological perception which makes less pain; b. rotary tattoo machines are lighter on hands, which means less finger and hand cramping, so artists make fewer mistakes; c. such kind of machines are suitable...
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15 settembre 2022 – Dragonhawkstore Hello
How Tattoo Impacts the Life
As everyone knows how the tattoo impacts their life? Why does it become more and more significant in daily life? It is a trend of new mark no matter male or female who wants a tattoo on their body, that's why tattoo is important and becomes more popular. The tattoo concept from the western society which is 19-20 century,from now it has so many style which...
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13 settembre 2022 – dragonhawk tattoos
Best Tattoo Ink
What's Mast Tattoo Ink Mast Tattoo Ink belongs to one of series of Dragonhawk tattoos. New but good performance while using. With so many brands tattoo ink in the maket, it's hard to decide which is the best and suitable for customers. The variety of brands and colors can be overwhelming but making a good selection is crucial for the...
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